Manhwa like a cherry blossom after winter

manhwa like cherry blossom after winter

There are many romantic manhwa out there, but “Cherry Blossoms After Winter” captures our hearts with its beautiful story. The way Tae-sung and Hae-bom form a deep bond that goes beyond the boundaries of love captivates my heart.

So, suppose you are also madly in love with this romantic novel. In that case, I have listed some of the most wonderful romantic manhwa with the same romantic relationship and emotional depth, like “Tae-sung and Hae-bom’s Love Story.”

Relationships are often like a rollercoaster ride for many; people go through many ups and downs. Romantic manhwas are also the same; they keep you hooked with drama, plot twists, and humorous dialogue. These stories go deep into the human mind’s intricacies and relationship difficulties.

Moreover, some of the stories also show us how modern technology can change how relationships form. Today, we will cover stories from a mix of other genres, such as fantasy and sci-fi, with romance. So, are you ready to go on an experience like never before, which will stir your soul and warm your heart?

13. Path To You

Path To You

The Story of Path To You follows a college student, Min-Jae. He is confused about the many possibilities offered by life. Soon, a cheerful person named Ji-hoon enters his life. He is an optimistic person who lights up the environment wherever he goes.

They met under very ordinary circumstances but have an extraordinary connection between them. Together, they go through many ups and downs. Some of them even put their friendship in jeopardy. But, in the end, they find out the meaning behind life: one should always remain true to oneself, and it takes enormous courage to follow one’s own heart.

This manhwa shows us how the power of love can help us guide home whenever we feel lost. If you ever wonder about life’s purpose and role in this vast world, you will love this anime. It guides us through the journey of self-discovery and the difficulties two people face when reaching adulthood.

12. Fools


The story of “Fools” follows the life of Tae-sung and Jae-min. Tae-sun is a serious person who is diligent in his studies and always gets A grades in his exams. On the other hand, Jae-min is a happy-go-lucky person.

She finds joy out of every little thing in life. Fate tangles them so unexpectedly that they start to question everything they know about friendship and love. Sometimes, they have petty arguments; sometimes, they tease each other jokingly, and sometimes, they share their vulnerabilities.

“Fools” conveys how complex and unpredictable love can be. This story tells that life can be more beautiful when you find someone who equally challenges and complements you.

If you like to read stories where characters are bound by genuine connection and can laugh while facing the most difficult challenges, then you will love “Fools.” Unlike other manhwa on this list, which mostly emphasize romance, this one brings a perfect blend of laughter to accompany the romantic story.

11. Hesu In Class 2

Hesu In Class 2

As the name suggests, this manhwa revolves around a guy named Hesu as he goes through the challenges of adolescence. Hesu is in the second year of high school. As he gets closer to his classmates, he discovers that reality is different than what it looks; each of his classmates has struggles in life.

During adolescence, one goes through various emotions, such as friendship, romantic relationships, and rivalry. But, after going through these emotions, they understand what it means to grow up. They find themselves at a point where they are on a journey of self-discovery.

Hesu shares a deep bond of mutual attraction with one of his classmates, Wooyan. Together, they face many challenges of school life and learn the importance of communication and accepting your identity.

The story of “Hesu In Class 2” is about teenage life, which shows the good and bad of growing up. The story is very engaging, and the characters are well-developed. Overall, this is a great read for those who like stories about friendship and the complexities of high school life.

10. A Guy Like You

A Guy Like You

If you take the emotional parts of “Cherry Blossoms After Winter” and add supernatural elements to the narrative, you will get “A Guy Like You.” Unlike other aromantic tales, this one adds mystical elements to the story.

Moreover, I was blown away by this manhwa’s art style. It creates a better visual experience for the reader. The character design is also very well planned, as the characters have unique personalities and hidden secrets, which are presented uniquely.

BL fans are definitely in for a treat with this one. This manhwa hits the nail with its thematic elements and compelling storytelling. “A Guy Like You” is a masterpiece in the BL genre.

9. Love In Lyrics

Love In Lyrics

Do you know what makes romantic moments more romantic? It’s music. Music is something that can enhance any feelings you have. “Love In Lyrics” is a magic tale of music that will bring you a big smile. While reading it, you will feel like every new chapter is a new melody that captures your heart.

This story will hit your soul like a pleasant melody. So, are you ready to dive into a new world of music and love with “Love In Lyrics?”

8. Painter Of The Night

Painter Of The Night

The story of “Painter Of The Night” follows a young painter, Na-kyum. His specialty lies in creating erotic paintings of men. But, one day, he gets entangled with Seungho, a nobleman with a bad reputation due to his cruel acts.

Moreover, he has a bottomless hunger for beauty. As Na-kyum enters the dirty world of Seungho, he now finds himself standing in front of his desires and secrets about his past.

This story dwells deeper into beauty, desires, and power. It will resonate with you emotionally with every brushstroke. Those who love stories that include forbidden love and the power of art will find “Painter Of The Night” a very enjoyable read.

7. The Keystone Romantic Combination

The Keystone Romantic Combination

This manhwa brings a very interesting and unique concept to romance literature. It occurs in a world where a scientific Keystone system determines compatibility between two people. With the help of scientific technology, this system can create perfect and sustainable romantic relationships.

However, two people deemed incompatible by the system go against the social norms and defy everyone’s expectations. This story dives deeper into the complex human emotions and love. This story shows the main characters facing many challenges by going against the keystone system.

By combining romance and science fiction, this story makes us question our beliefs about free will, understanding of love, and pressure from society. We know that love is an emotion that is often hard to predict, but this tale gives us a new perspective on the nature of love with a scientific theme.

So, if you like romantic stories with twists and turns, you will enjoy reading “The Keystone Romantic Combination.”

6. BJ Alex

BJ Alex

In this current era, many streaming platforms have many online streamers. As more and more people are getting influenced by online personas, it’s important to understand how it can affect our real-life relationships. This narrative gives us a view of how technology greatly impacts relationships in this digital age.

BJ Alex is a famous internet persona on adult streaming platforms. Dong-Gyun is a college student who is a big fan of BJ Alex. He loves the way Alex can remain confident and dominant during his broadcasts. Therefore, he develops a secret admiration for him.

However, Dong-Gyun’s life turns upside down when he discovers that the broadcaster, BJ Alex, is a senior at his university, Ahn Jiwon. After watching him in real life, he discovers nothing remarkable about him when he is at school, but when he goes on the live broadcast, he becomes a completely different person.

After this, he realizes a big difference between public personas and private life. The story of BJ Alex dives deeper into the lives of Dong-Gyun and Jiwon as they go through the challenges of their online life and real life.

5. Beyond Memory

Beyond Memory

Throughout our lives, we collect many memories that are an integral part of who we are. They are something that only we can know and feel. But what if there was any way to share our memories with others like we share photos and video files?

The story of “Beyond Memory” takes place in a futuristic world where sharing and digitizing our memories is possible. With this technology, humanity has reached greater heights in understanding each other. Moreover, it can also help to cure mental conditions such as depression or past trauma.

The story follows the life of two people who meet during a memory exchange program, Adrian and Silas. A terrible experience from the past haunts Adrian, and he wants to escape it. Therefore, he joins the memory exchange program, where he meets Silas, a memory architect who creates wonderful memories and shares them with others.

However, things don’t go as smoothly as they thought, and as they go deep inside each other’s memories, they find some hidden truths and secrets that change their worldview.

After reading this tale, you will have a new outlook on memories. You will understand their importance in our lives and shape us into who we are today. “Beyond Memory” is a must-read for those who often wonder how technology will change what we humans have been experiencing until now.

4. Dream Away

Dream Away

Do you ever find yourself wondering about what dreams are? Are they just our imaginations or visions from an alternate reality? The story of “Dream Away” will take you on an intriguing journey in the world of dreams.

Leo is a dream researcher. He focuses on scientific aspects related to dreams and how they impact reality. However, during his research, he meets Kai, a mysterious figure who appears in alternate realities. After meeting Kai, Leo finds that all his understanding of the dream world is crumbling away.

Leo and Kai start exploring the dreams that make them realize their deepest secrets, fears, and desires. The story of “Dream Away” is a tale of romance and uncovering the mysteries of dreams.

3. Don’t Forget These Feelings

Don't Forget These Feelings

The story of “Don’t Forget These Feelings” revolves around the concept of first love. It follows the life of two childhood friends, Jamie and Alex, as they go through various stages of life, from childhood to adolescence and becoming adults. Their relationship also evolves during this time, and they go through new emotions and difficulties growing up.

This story delves deeper into the concept of love and loss with time. The story depicts the changes in Alex and Jamie’s relationship with time.

This bittersweet tale of first love will remind you of the joyful and painful moments of first love and the things you learn from this experience. Life has many ups and downs; during our time, we create new friendships, make good and bad memories, and understand our feelings.

“Don’t Forget These Feelings” is a must-read for those who find the concept of first love fascinating. It goes deep into the heartfelt desires of two people who grew up together and fell in love with each other.

2. Sign


Ji-Woo is a sign language interpreter. He doesn’t just help deaf people or learn to communicate; he deeply cares about and empathizes with his students. The story of “Sign” covers the life of Ji-Woo as he meets a young deaf guy, Soo-Hyun.

This wonderful story leaves a strong impression on the readers through its compelling narrative about dealing with hearing difficulties.

When they first met each other, there were some misunderstandings. But, slowly, their eagerness to learn and explore leads to a wonderful relationship that words can’t explain. After reading “Sign,” you will see people with hearing difficulties in a new light and become more aware of the world of Non-verbal communication.

Ji-woo and Soo-hyun’s relationship teaches us to let go of our prejudices, embrace diversity, and build genuine bonds with those around us.

This manhwa teaches us that words are not always important to communicate or convey your message, and everyone needs and deserves to be loved.

1. Here U Are

Here U Are

Those who like the soft romance stories inside the premise of academies will enjoy this series. “Here U Are” also talks about the challenges of youth and discovering your place in this vast world.

The story of this anime shows us how the relationship between a senior and a junior goes from mere acquaintances to something deeper and more complex. Yu Yang is a freshman with an amiable personality, While Li Hua is somewhat shy and introverted.

Their meeting in this big and crowded campus was a work of fate. Later, they face various challenges, such as academic life pressure, expectations of society, and their insecurities. Faced with challenges, this duo opens up to each other and shares their weaknesses and yearnings.

This wonderful tale talks about the intricacies of self-discovery, acceptance, and not losing your identity, all while narrating a tale about the blossoming romance between this young couple.

“Here U Are” does an amazing job of conveying how love can transform the lives of two people. It is an empathetic tale of overcoming the struggles of young adulthood. I highly recommend this series to those who enjoy reading romantic tales of friendship and self-discovery.

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